Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Simple Things...

Original Publish Date: October 10, 2008

So as most of you are probably aware of from my status messages, I recently completed my comprehensive exam, thereby sentencing myself to another few years of school... Studying for this exam, proved to be quite a challenge, and required me to spend alot more time on campus then I normally like to. I am lucky that my family lives in Surrey, and so usually I get to come home every weekend or every other weekend and just chill out. However, this exam basically required me to spend a heck of alot of time locked up in my room in Thunderbird, or in my office in CEME, at all hours of the day/night. I haven't gone home nearly as much in the past 2 months as I normally would. So I guess I was missing out on the benefits of sleeping in a normal sized bed, watching TV on a normal sized screen, and eating normal tasting food cooked by a normal person... ;)

Anyway, I finally got to come home today for the long weekend for a well deserved break. I've been looking forward to this since yesterday when I finished the exam. Just kept on thinking about how nice it would be able to sleep in a bed that I wouldn't be in danger of rolling out of... eating food that actually tasted like food... not having to do my own laundry for the next few days... getting to watch the cricket match on a normal sized screen instead of on the laptop, basically all those material things that I get to take for granted when I am at home...

So as usual, I got on the B-Line from UBC, overloaded with my backpack and duffle bag... then transferred onto the Skytrain, never getting a seat as usual... stumbling my way past all the crackheads at Surrey Central onto the 323, and finally getting off at 90th Ave and making the final trek home... The same journey that I made for 4 years during my Undergrad, and then for another year during my Masters...

It occurred to me today just how irritating it used to be to make this stupid journey everyday during those 5 years. I would have to wake up waaaay to early, only to never get a seat on the Buses/Skytrain, usually get drenched by the rain, and then end up getting to class late half the time anyway. But, for some strange reason, today, after a long while, I actually enjoyed the trip home. Still all the same irritants, and yet for some reason, today, it was different. Maybe I was just feeling relaxed, or enjoying the music playing on my iPod, but this time, after a long time, as I was crammed into on the bus/skytrain, I enjoyed looking at the diverse variety of people that makes up Vancouver, was amused by the antics of the crackheads at the skytrain station, and was enjoying the memories as I passed by my friends houses on the bus on the way home in Surrey. As I walked by my old high school, I couldn't help but be shocked by just how many years its been since I graduated from that place. When I was walking on the soccer field, I kind of missed the weekly soccer/football games we used to play with friends during the summer.

Anyway, I am home now writing this little note, and I guess I kind of feel a different respect for all those who have travelled from all corners of the world just to study at UBC. I am lucky enough to be only an hour and half away from my home, and can easily come back here pretty much whenever I want. Alot of people don't have that option. The respect is NOT because they too are missing out on big beds, TVs, food, and laundry. I am saying this because they are also missing out on those simple little things that makes home... home. The simple little things that we don't usually take the time to actually appreciate. And for each person, these things will be different. For me, I amen't able to get together with my old friends nearly as often I would like to. I miss those soccer matches, movies, retarted conversations, and stupid arguments. I miss being able to go over and talk with the neighbors, and join in with the neighborhood kids during the street hockey games. I miss being able to walk a few blocks for some hot samosas and chutney, and I can't help but get a bit nostalgic about how easy life was back in High School. I enjoy being able to live in this wonderful city, and alot of times don't appreciate how cool it is. And for all the advantages of the freedom I get by staying on campus, for some unexplained reason I think I even kind of miss getting into massive arguments with my parents about just about everything.

Life is too short, hectic and complicated. Unfortunately, you are going to hurt people, and get hurt yourself. It is going to be a struggle, and very few things come easily. People are basically bastards, and there is nothing you can do about them. No matter how much you think you know, the truth is, you actually don't know much at all. And frankly speaking, overall, things can get really, really depressing at times. But, for all the bad things, we can also get a great deal of comfort from the simple things that we take for granted. They will give you the strength to get through the adversities you will face. And alot of times, they are all you have.

The point of this long winded note is not to bore you with stories of my trip home. But, rather, to encourage you to take the time to step back, take a deep breath, and just enjoy the simple little things in life. The more uncomplicated, the better. Forget about what is wrong with the world. It will make life seem much more tolerable. I think that is what I am going to try and do this weekend... ;)

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