Friday, October 16, 2009

Deepmala 2009

After days of hectic preparation, we finally put together Deepmala 2009 last Saturday...

One of the reasons I joined the UTSAV exec is because I felt that the club was not really achieving its true potential. I think we took a very positive step towards this last week. The turnout was a record high, and I don't think there was even one person who left dissapointed. We managed to take the good ideas past exec teams have provided, and combine them with our own. We spent alot of time in scouring for the best South Asian performances in Vancouver, and I think we managed to deliver. For the first time I can remember, we had people talking/asking of when the next UTSAV event would be... I even had one person tell me that this reminded them of their college functions back in India, which to me was an absolutely huge compliment...

Speaking for myself, although most of the day I was totally stressed out, until around 9PM when the food service was over and we realised just what we had accomplished, I finally was able to let loose and enjoy myself... dancing like an absolute maniac until I literally couldn't walk anymore, it was really the most fun I have had in a really long time. We stayed up all night, and I finally got to bed the next day at 2 in the afternoon...

And of course, I had my own seranade... ;)

What a night!