Friday, June 15, 2012

Tuum Est?

UBCs motto is 'Tuum Est'... which is latin for 'It is yours'.

I have spent over a decade at this prestigious university, and have probably had my happiest moments in life, biggest dissapointments and have even shed a few tears here. The campus now has a special place in my heart and at times, I feel more at home here than I do at my own home.

For the past few months though, I feel more and more like a stranger on campus... the energy of being surrounded by young people no longer rubs off on me. I have seen generations of students come and go, and yet I remain stagnant. The surroundings have changed so much, and I no longer feel as if I want to adjust.

Perhaps these days 'Tuum Est' is no longer applicable to me and UBC any more.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely spent much less time at UBC. I arrived in the middle of great changes to it and they continued afterwards.

    However, it holds a very special place in my heart. Both for the friends and the memories, and the nature of the place itself.

    You sound like you are ready to move on :).
    Best wishes for the next move.
