Monday, April 25, 2011

A Short Rant

Something is irritating me today... and it is actually quite silly. And it has to do with Social Networking.

1) Why are there people who insist on adding you to their 'friends' list, login regularly to check up on what everyone else is doing, and yet insist on keeping their own profile totally private? What is the point of social networking, if you refuse to be social yourself?

Guess what... all you are doing is being creepy, and are nothing better than a snooper.

2) Why are there people who login to regularly check up on what everyone else is doing, and yet take forever to respond to their own postings?

Guess what... we all know you are jobless enough to be logging into Facebook like the rest of us, so stop trying to act like you are too busy to be doing so.

That is all.


  1. I think the first point needs a balanced perspective. Sometimes people are not willing to share personal details. I ca clearly see two reasons. First, not trusting people. Second, not trusting Facebook.

    Not all the people on our Facebook "friend" list are close friends. We have just met some of them once (may be never). Even then, they all have equal privileges over our profile. People who you call friend in pre-facebook vocabulary probably already know you well and for them you are much more than a Facebook profile. On the other hand, Facebook being a great social media platform still lacks transparency on the privacy issue. It is not clear how they are going to use the personal data makes people reluctant. I know a friend who deleted his Facebook profile because he did not like their privacy policies.

    I have absolutely no thoughts on the second point you have raised.

  2. Fair enough. But then why do you even add people whom you don't know, and more importantly, why not keep people you don't trust on a limited profile? The people who irritate me are those who are on Facebook to pry into others peoples lives while being ultrasecretive about themselves.

    If you don't trust Facebook, I totally agree, no one is forcing you to be on it, and it makes total sense to not maintain a profile to begin with.

  3. As far as I know there is no easy way to keep a limited profile for a subset of friends. Second, it kind of looks impolite to decline a friend request. Also, you always add people just keep in touch. You know it! It has become a social norm.

    About leaving Facebook. Facebook even after being such a big time hog has it's legitimate use. For me it is a directory of information about my social connections. Second, it is a nice platform where people sometime share things which I find interesting. Third, it has become a default communication channel for a lot of social events. I don't want to miss out on that. Not being on Facebook is like not having a cell phone. You can easily live without it, but still most of the people have one.
