Sunday, February 21, 2010

Feeling sick...

Its the Olympics, and I know I shouldn't be feeling blue, but I feel sick... not of the physical variety...

Sick of research... sick of Undergrads knocking on my office door... sick of answering questions about life I don't know the answer too... sick of people... sick of egos... sick of lies... sick of telling myself the glass is half full when I know its half empty... sick of putting on a smile for the world...

Sigh... I need a doctor.


  1. Common.. U just won some scholarship andol and ur almost getting ur Dr. thing done soon:D I dont think u should be complaining.. I think everyone is going thru a rough patch rite now.. if u ask me , even I dono where life is headed.. u will not always have answers to all the questions ppl ask u or u ask urself. If u knew everything then life wud be I sound philosophical.. but yes I def understand wot ur saying but all I can tell u is hang in there friend, we are all on the same boat as u and we will reach our destination soon:)
    wow..i sound soo philosophical.. wot has gotten into me!!!!

  2. Good for you Sudip. It is one of the indications that you are close to being done with PhD. Forthcoming inevitable transitions always arrive with this "sick-of-..." feelings.

    Have a good(yes,good!) brooding time. Later, you will appreciate sunshine much better.

  3. @ Akhidi... I am better now :)

    @ Smitha... Yes, perhaps at a transition, but not sure about how close to finishing PhD I am... :(

  4. I have a doctor to recommend to you.

    His name is Jack.

  5. Hmmm... I shall keep him in mind.
